TV Programs

Sergio on tv

For a figure as particular as Sergio, who has succeeded in making the world talk about his "tasty creatures", life wouldn't be complete without participation in numerous television programmes, which have contributed to increasing his notoriety even more.

In the web site you will find information on some of his appearances in television programmes broadcast by the BBC, the RAI, the German television MDR3 , and by other networks, considering that these are just a few of his most significant appearances! How could the man who gave the world ice cream with such extraordinary flavours be left in the dark?!

Japanese tv

The japanese tv programme visiting the Gelateria di Piazza for the second time (April 2011)

Brazilian TV 50 POR1

Brazilian TV, "50 por1" hosted by Alvaro Garnero visiting the Gelateria di Piazza (July 2009)


Tourist-Gastronomic Programme

RAI 1 channel

"La Vita in Diretta" hosted by Michele Cucuzza on Rai 1 channel


Professional Exhibition of the ART OF CONFECTIONERY AND CHOCOLATE 20-23 October 2001 - Turin - Lingotto Fiere

RAI 2 channel- EAT PARADE

RAI 2 - EAT PARADE broadcast on 30/10/2005 and programme about grappa chocolate


CANALE 5 channel - GUSTO broadcast in 2006


MDR3 had chosen the "Gelateria di Piazza" for a programme broadcast in the early evening of Saturday in which Sergio took part with Eros Ramazzotti and Celentano


SVT Swedish Television (Sverige Television)

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On Gelateria Dondoli Channel you can find other tv programmes about Sergio and his gelateria.